Make Sure That You Always Have Heated Water With a Quality Water Heater Replacement in Greeley CO

by | Jun 8, 2015 | Water Heater

You never realize how much you rely on the water heater in your home until it fails. A water heater can have a variety of problems, and some of them depend on the type of appliance in use. For instance, an electric water heater can fail when one or both heating elements break, when the thermostat no longer functions properly or if an element shorts. These faults may not require Water Heater Replacement Greeley CO, but they usually require an expert to repair them. In some instances, it may be less expensive to swap out the old water heater.

Perhaps the worst problem with electric units is a shorted element because the fault will still allow a low level of voltage in the system. This keeps the water heating constantly which presents a dangerous situation. You may discover the situation when you turn on the tap and get scalding water. Alternately, you may end up with no heated water because the emergency temperature safety switch has shut off the power.

Gas burning systems can also have problems. Failures such as broken pilot systems or faulty electronic ignition components could cause the system to fail. In some instances, it may be easier to invest in Water Heater Replacement Greeley CO because older parts can be difficult to come by. Attempting to repair an old water heater is just another way to waste your hard earned money because eventually the tank will leak.

A damaged tank or leaks around pipe connections, the pressure valve or other locations is the most common reason to replace your water heater. Thankfully, many modern water heaters are addressing these problems by adding liners or similar advances. The two most common water heater liners are glass and cement. Visit website for more details.

Surprisingly, a cement liner is the preferred option. This is due to the ability of the cement to cover connections and welds when it is first applied. Glass provides an excellent alternative, but glass doesn’t cover critical spots like pipe joints quite as well as cement. It is important to get a water heater that is similar to the one that you have. One reason for this is the ease of installation. Attempting to install a larger unit can cause a lot of headaches. Contact Advanced Comfort to learn more.

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